Rev Dr John Kwasi Fosu - The Founder and Executive Director


The Reverend John Kwasi  Fosu is the founder and Executive Director of Glocal Compassion, 

gGmbH Germany. He holds Doctor of Theology (Dr. theol.) from the University of Hamburg, Germany. He is a Senior Lecturer at the Ghana Baptist University College, Kumasi. Dr Fosu also serves as the Church Planter and Pastor of Amazing Grace Baptist Church, Hamburg.

Dr Fosu is an ordained Baptist minister of the Federal Union of Free-Evangelical Churches (Baptisten) in Germany (BEFG) and of the Ghana Baptist Convention of West Africa.

The multi-dimensional background of Dr Fosu as an author, pastor, lecturer, Church planter, philanthropist and development enthusiast has prepared him to establish this multi-sectoral Non-Profit Organisation, Glocal Compassion gGmbH. Serving as a fulfilment of a dream of 20 years, Glocal Compassion aims at mobilizing total resources to better society.


Prof. Dr Werner Kahl - Chairman of the Supervisory Board (Beirat)

LEADERSHIP TEAM OF GLOCAL COMPASSIONProf Dr Werner Kahl holds Doctor of Philosophy in the field of New Testament Studies from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Having served as Vicar and Pastor in Essen and Duisburg, Dr Kahl received a Habilitation grant from the German Research Foundation from 1999-2022 to do field research in Ghana and thus taught as a Lecturer in New Testament at the University of Ghana. For many years, Prof Dr Kahl served as one of the Heads of Study at the Academy of Missions at the University of  Hamburg. He has also been Professor for New Testament at the Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Mai since 2007. Dr Kahl also serves as a visiting Professor at the Ghana Baptist University College and the University of Ghana, Legon.

As a pastor of Evangelische Stadtkirchengemeinde, Marienkirche in Hanau and having regular contacts with Ghana not only in the area of academia but also in the cultural and church experiences, Prof Kahl enriches the leadership of Glocal Compassion. Dr Kahl’s deep sense of multicultural, ecumenical and development perspectives also make him be an asset to the leadership of Glocal Compassion as the Board Chairman. See Dr Kahl’s short CV and Publications.


Dr Hanno Frey - Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Dr Frey is currently in charge of the mission ministry of LEADERSHIP TEAM OF GLOCAL COMPASSIONChristus Kirche Altona – Baptist. He has also ever served as a volunteer worker in the winter emergency programme of the same Church. Dr Frey has voluntarily worked at Jesus Center, Hamburg to provide tutorial assistance to refugees as well as providing economic support to disadvantaged groups. Dr Hanno Frey is the Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Glocal Compassion. As a professional teacher, Hanno Frey holds Doctoral Degree in Pedagogic – English, Deutsch Sport from the University of Hamburg, Germany. He works as the Head of the department for the upper grades at Alter

 Teichweg elementary and the district school.  Before this position, Dr Frey served as the head of the middle school department of the Othmarschen Gymnasium for many years. Dr Hanno Frey, therefore, brings to the leadership of Glocal Compassion his rich professional, educational, missionary and volunteer experiences.


Mr Emmanuel Arthur - Supervisory Board Member in Charge of Logistics

LEADERSHIP TEAM OF GLOCAL COMPASSIONMr Emmanuel Arthur is a Container Logistics at Transit World Service (TWS), Hamburg. He is part of the founding members of Amazing Grace Baptist Church, Hamburg and since the establishment of the Church has been the assistant financial secretary. Mr Arthur has served as a Welfare Ministry leader of the church as a reflection of his passion to reach out to the needy. Mr Arthur, therefore, brings to the leadership his passion for and experience in mobilising resources to show mission.


Rev Mrs Mary Fosu - Ghana Regional Coordinator

The Reverend Mrs Mary Fosu is a PhD in Religious Studies candidate at the Kwame LEADERSHIP TEAM OF GLOCAL COMPASSIONNkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (KNUST) with a special research interest in Christian education, Ethics and Systematic Theology. Rev Mrs Mary is an ordained minister of the Ghana Baptist Convention.   She serves as the Senior Associate Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Amakom – Kumasi. Rev. Mrs Fosu also serves as the Chaplain and an adjunct lecturer at the Ghana Baptist University College, Kumasi. She is the Chairperson of the Kumasi Area Baptist Ministers’ Fellowship.


Mr. Edmund Adem - North America, USA Regional Coordinator

Mr Edmund Adem is the coordinator for Glocal Compassion in the USA. He isLEADERSHIP TEAM OF GLOCAL COMPASSION currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Nursing with a specialisation in Mental health at Rivier University, New Hampshire. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from the University of Massachusetts- Amherst and a Bachelor’s degree in Health Education from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Mr Adem serves as the local preacher of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Trinity Congregation in Leominster, MA USA. He is very passionate and actively involved in compassionate ministry both locally and globally.


Ms Awura Ama Hahn - Administrative Assistant in Charge of Europe

Awura Ama Hahn is the administrative assistant of LEADERSHIP TEAM OF GLOCAL COMPASSIONGlocal Compassion. She is in the process of completing her nursing training at the apm- Pflegeschule Hamburg Wandsbek. As a committed member of Amazing Grace Baptist Church, Hamburg, Awura Ama is actively involved in the various ministries of the Church as she uses her gifts and talents to serve the Lord in the areas of singing, social work and serving in the media team.

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